Netflix’s ‘Diana: The Musical’ named the worst film by Razzies
(Credit: Netflix)

Film News

Netflix's ‘Diana: The Musical’ named the worst film by Razzies

While the Academy Awards, Golden Globes, BAFTAs and the like celebrate the best of cinema, the much-feared Razzie Awards usually handpick the worst. The Razzie Awards took place just a day before the Oscars. 

The Razzie Awards include ten categories: worst film, worst actor, worst actress, worst remake, and a unique and hilarious category titled worst performance by Bruce Willis in 2021, where there are eight nominations. 


This year, two Netflix productions had received nominations in the Razzies Worst film category. The two films Diana: The Musical and The Woman in the Window have also landed nominations for various members of the cast and crew in several other categories, namely worst actor, worst actress, worst couple and others. 

Diana: The Musical grabbed five awards, including worst picture and worst actress for Jeanna de Waal, who played the role of the late princess. Ever since its release, the film was considered a tasteless travesty and one of the most “awful hate-watch” films by the likes of The Guardian.

The musical initially meant to be a Broadway production, directed by Christopher Ashley, documented the devastating odyssey of Princess Diana’s struggle and life as she prevailed in a loveless, tumultuous marriage. 

The worst actor award went to LeBron James for Space Jam: A New Legacy

Other Razzie Awards went to Judy Kaye, Jared Leto and others. Cosmic Sin was judged worthy of Bruce Willis’ category.