The Diane Keaton cheerleading comedy shaking up Netflix
(Credit: Netflix)

Film News

The Diane Keaton cheerleading comedy shaking up Netflix

The elder Millennials are worried about life beyond retirement, and that fear is now being reflected in the films they are bingeing. After the domination of Queen Bees, we have yet another golden age dramedy shaking things up on Netflix. This one has a stellar cast, including Diane Keaton and Rhea Perlman, among others.

Poms is nestled snugly at the eighth spot on the top ten films chart on Netflix UK. This quirky comedy is entertaining with its irresistible charm and infectious energy despite all the negative reviews the film received upon release.


Directed by Zara Hayes and written by Shane Atkinson, Poms boasts a stellar cast led by the incomparable Keaton. Keaton plays Martha, a retiree with a zest for life that’s contagious. With her boundless enthusiasm, Martha embarks on a mission to breathe new life into her mundane existence at Sun Springs Retirement Community by forming a cheerleading squad. 

Joined by a spirited ensemble including Jacki Weaver, Pam Grier, and Perlman, Keaton’s Martha proves that age is just a number when it comes to pursuing your passions.

Despite her iconic status in Hollywood, Keaton humbly admits that the cheerleading sequences weren’t a walk in the park. “I’m not a dancer! It’s not like I can learn those steps, so they had to give me more time,” she told OprahMag.

Poms isn’t just a film about cheerleading; it’s a celebration of ageing with gusto, adult friendships, and the enduring spirit of womanhood. As Martha and her squad navigate the ups and downs of retirement, they remind us that it’s never too late to demolish societal norms and expectations. A feat Queen Bees attempts as well.

So, if you find yourself scrolling through Netflix in search of something to brighten your day, look no further than Poms. With its infectious energy and irresistible charm, this Diane Keaton-led comedy is sure to leave you cheering for more.

You can watch Poms on Netflix and catch the trailer here: