‘One Piece’ prosthetics expert breaks down Chopper’s season two design
(Credit: One Piece)


‘One Piece' prosthetics expert breaks down Chopper's season two design

The world of live-action adaptations is where the skilled hands of professionals are put to the test. In the case of Netflix’s One Piece, the responsibility of bringing beloved characters to life falls upon the shoulders of Jaco Snyman, the head of prosthetics. 

Adapting Eiichiro Oda’s vast and beloved One Piece universe into a live-action format is no small feat, and the introduction of new characters in the second season has piqued fans’ curiosity. One character that has been confirmed to be in the next season is the iconic Tony Tony Chopper, Dr. Kureha’s adopted son.

Tony Tony Chopper, known for his endearing charm, is a character that poses a unique challenge for a live-action adaptation. He is a hybrid being, half reindeer with humanoid features.

The inclusion of Chopper in the live-action series has sparked speculation among fans, especially since he will be the Straw Hat crew’s future doctor. Chopper’s role as a crucial crew member means all eyes will be on him next season.

Jaco Snyman’s plans to bring Tony Tony Chopper to life

In a recent interview with GameSpot, Snyman discussed the complexities and excitement surrounding the design of Chopper for the upcoming season. He also revealed, “I’m looking forward to working on Tony Tony Chopper.”

Snyman hinted at a blend of practical effects and prosthetics to bring Chopper to life, akin to how Arlong (portrayed by McKinley Belcher III) was brought to life in season one. The balance between practical effects and prosthetics promises to capture Chopper’s unique essence on screen.

Showrunner Steven Maeda has been vocal about his fondness for Chopper and the character’s importance to the series. Chopper’s early introduction as the sixth member of Luffy’s crew hints at how important he is to the story. 

Tony Tony Chopper’s relevance in One Piece

Chopper’s backstory as an outcast resonates with the show’s overarching theme of championing the dreams of the marginalised, aligning with Luffy’s principles.

While Chopper’s story is eagerly anticipated, his appearance presents a creative challenge. Maeda has consistently avoided an over-reliance on CGI, with many of the key locations and sets—like the Baratie and Going Merry—actually being built or recreated physically. Despite the complexities of bringing this unique character to life, fans know that it’s all in good hands, given how the story has been treated in the first season. As fans eagerly await the next chapter of the Straw Hat crew’s adventures, you can binge the first season of One Piece on Netflix.