Netflix releases its first-ever bot-written horror film
(Credit: Netflix)

Netflix News

Netflix releases its first-ever bot-written horror film

Netflix has released its first-ever bot-written horror film that is the first of its kind. Comical yet surprisingly profound, the short is definitely worth the watch. 

This four-minute animation titled Mr Puzzle Wants You to Be Less Alive was created by Netflix in collaboration with Keaton Patti. To make it, they made “a bot watch over 400,000 hours of horror movies and then write its own horror movie. This is what it came up with.”


It begins with a man named Mr Puzzles donning a mask-like Leatherface or Mr Saw. The film is a culmination of various elements from popular horror films such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Saw, Leatherface, and Jennifer’s Body.

The protagonist, Jennifer, has been kidnapped and has to solve puzzles that might spare her life. There is an abundance of whales who thwart Mr Puzzles’ attempts at killing her as well as an alcoholic detective with a pitiful aim while the underwater whale cop arrests the chainsaws.

The bot horror story is quite twisted and pokes fun at various horror tropes. Meanwhile, the dialogue is sardonic, flat and hilarious, uttered in a monotone robotic voice. Even the scariest horror films cannot compare to this four-minute gem as it makes the viewers ride a rollercoaster of emotions. 

We are haunted by Mr Puzzles and his consequence button and red skull mask, if you want to be frightened too, take a look at the film below.