Jenna Ortega discusses sleepless nights before filming ‘Wednesday’ dance scene
(Credit: Netflix)

Netflix News

Jenna Ortega discusses sleepless nights before filming ‘Wednesday’ dance scene

Even if you’re one of the few people who haven’t seen Wednesday yet, then the chances are you still will have caught Jenna Ortega busting moves in the viral dance scene. The star has since revealed that she spent two sleepless nights prior to filming. 

The choreographed nightmare was sadly all her own idea too. It was one that she would live to regret. “I was kicking myself,” she told Jimmy Fallon. “I felt like such a fool. I’m not a dancer.”


Sadly, for her, Tim Burton was on board with her idea, so it meant she had to get to rigorous work nailing the moves. As she confirms, this was quite the task. “I don’t do any of that,” she said, “I have no experience in that field.”

Ortega has often spoken about how much of an undertaking the whole project was given the esteemed shoes she was stepping into and how Christian Ricci was a huge help during filming. However, on this occasion, it was all on her, and she said, “I didn’t sleep for two days.”

Speaking of her inspirations, she also said: “I watched videos of Siouxsie and the Banshees. I found archival footage of goth kids dancing in clubs in the ‘80s—just anything that I could get my hands on.”

Well, it might have been stressful, but the result is a viral sensation that has helped to promote the hit series massively.