Who died at the end of Netflix’s ‘Muted’?
(Credit: Netflix)


Who died at the end of Netflix’s ‘Muted’?

The Netflix series Muted has left audiences wondering just what happened at the end, so we’re going to try and clear up the matter. The show is a Spanish psychological thriller created by Aitor Gabilondo and starring Aron Piper, who played the recently released parent-murderer Sergio Ciscar.

Sergio refuses to speak about what actually happened during his suspected throwing of his parents out of a high-rise rise. The end scene of the show was particularly disturbing, and questions arose, such as did he indeed kill his parents, what is law-keeper Ana’s connection to the plot and who, in fact, died right at the end?

We discover that Sergio did indeed kill his parents, but several plot twists occur to prevent us from learning that straight away. He originally claims that his father killed his mother and committed suicide over guilt immediately, but we find that it was indeed Sergio who committed the crimes.

In order to find out the truth, Ana becomes wrapped up with Sergio, and he takes her up to the high-rise balcony from which his parents died. We then see that one of them falls from a great height while the other just stands there looking on.

It’s unclear which of the two fell, so we may just have to wait for a potential season two to find out.