Check out the first-ever local Ugandan film that finally hit Netflix
(Credit: Netflix)


Check out the first-ever local Ugandan film that finally hit Netflix

Directed by Ugandan director Loukman Ali, The Girl in the Yellow Jumper was the first-ever Ugandan movie to stream on Netflix. 

Being the very first local film to be picked by Netflix, The Girl in the Yellow Jumper does indeed pave the way for more local and original African content to debut on the streamer.


Starring Michael Wawuyo Jr., Rehema Nanfuka, Maurice Kirya, Gladys Oyenbot and more, the film revolves around a man who is suddenly and inexplicably taken hostage by a mysterious figure in a yellow jumper while he is watching television. 

He is later discovered in a dishevelled state on a highway, clad in the same jumper and is rescued by officials. He tells an unbelievable story that involved him being held hostage by two female religious fanatics who tortured him. After the cop refuses to believe him, the man chances upon his surviving kidnapper, and a dangerous pursuit ensues. 

Loukman Ali began shooting for the film in 2019 before its 2020 release and had a hard time proceeding with the filming process due to the socio-political turmoil in Ugandan society. He spoke about the problems they faced while filming. “Shooting in Uganda is not easy; every single location we go to, they chase us away,” he said. 

“There were times the actors went without food because we had used up all the money. We stopped filming for more than a year as we scraped together resources. The actors would return after months having changed, having gained weight, grown hair or a beard where there was only stubble in the previous scene,” the director shared. 

Their problems were further accentuated by the arrival of the pandemic that pushed back the date of the premiere. The film was leaked before its debut, and Ali faced a plethora of obstacles that could have otherwise deterred his perseverance and determined spirit. 

Watch the film on Netflix now.