The five best movies to watch on Netflix if you love true crime
(Credit: Netflix)


The five best movies to watch on Netflix if you love true crime

The fanbase for true crime narratives has seen sharp growth within the last decade. With stories and documentaries made more accessible by one of the genre’s biggest pioneers, Netflix, its demand has boomed. This article covers the five best movies that can be watched on Netflix right now if you are a fan of the genre. 

From chilling accounts of the accused to the victims, a stream of endless content. After producing original documentaries such as Don’t F**k with Cats (2019) and alike, Netflix has an abundance of nerve-chilling movies to share with viewers. 


With a heap of great content from the streaming platform, we’re bringing you five of the best features to dive into below. There’s documentaries and a truly powerful piece form Robert De Niro, Martin Scorsese and Al Pacino.

Without any more delay, dive right into your potential new watchlist for the coming weekend. 

The five best movies to watch on Netflix if you love true crime

5. Memories of a Murderer: The Nilsen Tapes (2021)

Michael Harte directed Memories of a Murderer: The Nilsen Tapes, a British documentary film released for Netflix. The movie narrates the story of Scottish serial murderer Dennis Nilsen’s life. Highlights his killings through original audiotapes captured from his jail cell.

Catch it on Netflix.

4. The Irishman (2019) 

The world likes a good narrative about a stylish hitman, and this film makes it much better because Robert De Niro plays the character. Discover how a sociopath’s life is revealed as humanity is stripped out of him. The utter disregard he felt for those who were emotionally linked to him. But was he ever truly concerned? Was he ever aware of exactly how lonely he was?

Find out more about this vicious old man of a hitman on Netflix

3. Our Father (2022)

Covering one of the most interesting stories out there, Our Father covers the story of a fertility specialist who chooses to inseminate several patients with his own sperm. As bad as it sounds, it gets worse. He does so without taking their consent or without their knowledge. This documentary interviews the women in question and their children.

Without a doubt one of the best movies based on true crime on Netflix right now.

2. Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator (2019)

Bikram: Yogi, Guru, Predator is a 2019 documentary film directed by Eva Ordner that stars Larissa Anderson, Francesca Asumah, and Sarah Baughn. Revolving around the once-famous Bikram Choudhury, the star and leader of America’s hot yoga craze. From a quick growth in the 1970s to all the allegations of rape and sexual harassment made by various persons. The show covers everything. And everything about the show is bound to make you feel really weird. 

Watch it on Netflix.

1. The Good Nurse (2022)

The plot revolves around serial murderer Charles Cullen, played by Eddie Redmayne. Eddie did an excellent job of expressing the spirit of the cold-blooded killer. The film The Good Nurse is based on author and journalist Charles Graeber’s book of the same name, which details the entire event. Cullen used to work with Amy Loughren (Jessica Chastain), a single mother who worked many night hours.

Cullen used medications to murder his patients, including those who had recovered. He worked at Somerset Medical Centre in New Jersey when he was convicted of the killings with Loughren’s assistance. A spine-chilling real story recounted in excellent style for you to watch on Netflix now.