The bad Colin Farrell film everyone is watching on Netflix
(Credit: Gage Skidmore)


The bad Colin Farrell film everyone is watching on Netflix

From Total Recall and The Gentlemen, Colin Farrell has had an extensive on-screen career. With an outstanding reserve of acclaimed films under his belt, and a performance in The Batman which we’re all excited to see coming in March, it’s rare that Farrell is involved in sub-par movies.  

There’s only one film that comes to mind when we say, “bad Colin Farrell movies” though, and we’re referring to the 2020 flop Ava. The film revolves around an assassin who is blacklisted by her own organisation after breaking protocol, which sounds quite dull, and in actual fact, it is. It had so much potential: high quality cast, iconic composer behind the soundtrack, and a decent-sized budget – but what went wrong?  


With a sad rating of 5.4 from IMDB and 16% on Rotten Tomatoes, the critique from these two reviewing powerhouses accurately reflects a generic and underwhelming film directed by Tate Taylor. Such a shame however, especially with award-winning actors like Jessica Chastain and John Malkovich behind the project.  

It can’t all be negative, right? There must be some good elements in the film? Perhaps only one: the brutal fight scene where we see Colin Farrell and Jessica Chastain fight it out. Full of violence, punching, and choke-slamming into glass tables, it is well choreographed and arguably the best part of the film. 

In spite of the opinions from film critics, and, let’s be fair, most of us who actually watched the film, Netflix viewers seem to be watching Ava. So much so that it is now the number one watched film today, which has come to our surprise. That being said, with the current amount of people isolating as a result of the ongoing pandemic, people need something to do, and if that mean’s watching Ava, then so be it!  

Check out the Ava trailer and the awesome fight scene below.