Netflix testing out new timer feature for Android users
Credit: Cardmapr

Netflix News

Netflix testing out new timer feature for Android users

We’ve all been there, haven’t we? We’ve left Netflix playing on our device and forgotten to turn our favourite show off before we fall asleep, thereby losing our place in the mammoth binge session that had sent us to sleep in the first place. Luckily, Netflix’s timer feature usually ensures that you don’t miss too much, unless you’re an Android user.

Those not hooked up to the Apple drug will still have to experience this disappoint in 2021 but there is hope on the horizon. Netflix has confirmed that they’re testing out a brand new timer feature for Android users that will stop streaming after a certain period.


In fact, things have been knocked up a few notches. Now Netflix has announced that the feature will also allow those watching to pick a viewing period. Viewers can choose between 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 45 minutes or ‘end of episode’ to help curtail their viewing habits.

The idea is all in the name of conserving battery life for Android users but will also make sure that the dreaded auto-play feature doesn’t wreak havoc on your viewing schedule.

The experiment is only ongoing for Android users right now but there is hope that this will set a new precedent for timer features and will extend to TV sets, desktops and other devices.

Right now, the feature is only available for adult users though the benefit of setting a timer for kids’ viewing seems a perfect match.

Follow the directions below:

  1. Choose and play your favourite TV show or movie on your mobile device.
  2. In the upper right corner, subscribers will see a clock icon that is labelled Timer.
  3. Tap on Timer.
  4. Select 15, 30, 45 minutes, or “Finish Show.”