Netflix adds ‘Two Thumbs Up’ button to gauge viewer reaction
(Credit: Cameron Venti)

Editor's Choice

Netflix adds ‘Two Thumbs Up’ button to gauge viewer reaction

Netflix has been constantly evolving its user interface alongside its business model to retain viewership, attract more subscribers and finesse its algorithm,

The streaming service is heavily dependent on viewer feedback regarding the types of content they like which helps the streamer determine the kind of titles they must add or produce to satisfy viewer interests and provide better recommendations. 

To understand viewer preferences even better, Netflix has now included the option to tap on a Two Thumbs Up button that will be available alongside a Thumbs Up button and a Thumbs Down button on a show or movie page. 

The double Thumbs Up button will help the viewers tell Netflix that they do not just “like” the content, but “love” it. The signal will help send a signal to Netflix to personalise the recommended content accordingly. 

Netflix is yet to introduce new features that will help further personalise these recommendations. 

Christine Doig-Cardet, the Netflix Director of Product Innovation, said, “We’ve been hearing from members that it’s important for them to distinguish [between] shows they liked and the shows that they really loved — and that distinction was important to them.”

According to her, Netflix has gone through a series of trials that even included a heart button, but viewers seemed to respond better to the Two Thumbs Up option, thus leading to the addition of the same to the interface. The Two Thumbs Up button has helped make the existing Netflix user system understand the viewer preferences better. 

In the recent past, some new Netflix features include the Top 10 features for both shows and films as well as the Most Liked titles. With the addition of the Two Thumbs Up button, the streamer could possibly add a new list with a Most Loved badge. 

The button will be available on Netflix across the web, television, Android and iOS mobile devices from today. 

(Credit: MaxPixel)