Netflix adapting Lupita Nyong’o picture book ‘Sulwe’ into an animated movie
(Credit: Gage Skidmore)

Coming Soon

Netflix adapting Lupita Nyong'o picture book 'Sulwe' into an animated movie

Netflix have announced that they will be adapting Oscar-winner Lupita Nyong’o’s picture book Sulwe.

“The story of Sulwe is one that is very close to my heart,” the actress announced in a statement. “Growing up, I was uncomfortable in my dark skin. I rarely saw anyone who looked like me in the aspirational pages of books and magazines, or even on TV. It was a long journey for me to arrive at self-love. Sulwe is a mirror for dark-skinned children to see themselves, a window for those who may not be familiar with colourism, to have understanding and empathy, and an invitation for all who feel different and unseen to recognise their innate beauty and value. “


She later added, “I am thrilled that the book is being adapted into an animated musical that we hope inspires children all around the world to celebrate their uniqueness.”

The book itself was published back in 2019, featuring illustrations by the artist Vashti Harrison. It documents the tale of a young girl, uncomfortable in her own skin, until she is visited by a shooting star and embarks on a magical journey.

The press released describes Sulwe as, “A story about colourism, self-esteem, and learning that true beauty comes from within.”

The project is currently very much in its early stages with details surrounding cast, crew and start dates still yet to be announced. Nyong’o has been named as a producer on the project but it is unsure whether she will star in it.

You can catch a trailer for her most recent project, the Beyoncé movie, Black is King below.