‘Love on the Spectrum’ US gets green light for another season
(Credits: Netflix)

Netflix News

'Love on the Spectrum' US gets green light for another season

The US version of Netflix’s Love on the Spectrum has been renewed for a third season, not long after the most recent series arrived.

The news comes after the second edition was suspended in the streamer’s top ten globally for a long three weeks, which reflects just how much of an impact the show has on viewers, as it offers a candid look into the lives of those who have autism and their families.


Notably, Love on the Spectrum is a reality show based on the Australian one of the same name. Co-created, directed and produced by Cian O’Clery, the American version first aired in May 2022, with the follow-up instalment announced later that year in September. The second season debuted in January 2024. Altogether, the franchise has enjoyed four seasons so far.

The second season of the US Love on the Spectrum sees some of the cast members from season one return, including Dani Bowman, James Jones, Abbey Lutes and Steve Spitz. Elsewhere, the recurring David Isaacman appears, with the new cast including the 18-year-old Journey from Chicago, who was recently diagnosed, and Clemson, South Carolina resident Tanner Smith, who is looking for his first relationship, and went viral not long after the season aired due to his deeply mannerly nature and eyebrow trick. 

As well as winning three Primetime Emmy Awards in 2022, Love on the Spectrum has been praised for raising awareness about autism. In January 2023, Jill Escher of the National Council on Severe Autism acknowledged that while some members of the community might feel it is 

“goofball charade that too conveniently sidesteps the trauma and poverty pervasive among autism families” she maintained that “…for the majority of viewers I do think they will walk away more curious, patient, and caring about autism — which is definitely a gift from Netflix to the autism community.”

To celebrate Autism Acceptance Day on April 2nd, Netflix hosted an event at Los Angeles’ Tudum Theatre, which showcased an episode from the latest season of Love on the Spectrum. It also involved a Q&A with O’Clery, cast members Abbey and David, Connor and his mother, Dani, and actress and Autism campaigner, Holly Robinson Pete. The chat delved into why the show has been so resonant for those for whom it is close to home. 

Netflix is also celebrating Autism Acceptance Month in April. To do so, they’ve partnered with The Autism Society of America to raise awareness of resources and supportive experiences to highlight the importance of supporting the autism community. For the event in Los Angeles, The Autism Society helped the streaming site create calm rooms and inclusive sensory experiences. Puppies were also on hand to warm up the assemblage. 

Watch the trailer for Love on the Spectrum season two below.