John Mulaney opens up about rehab in Netflix special
(Credit: Netflix)

Netflix News

John Mulaney opens up about rehab in Netflix special

The actor and comedian John Mulaney has discussed his time in rehab during his new Netflix special Baby J, available to watch now on the streaming service.

Speaking during the special, he recalls one particular day when he was the subject of an intervention held by 12 “star-studded” names back in December 2020. The group included late-night talk show host Seth Meyers, comedians and SNL stars Fred Armisen and Nick Kroll, as well as a professional interventionist. 


Agreeing that he needed help, the comedian stated: “I leave for rehab, I have on my person a full baggie of 30mg of Adderall, a full baggie of Xanax, 3 grams of cocaine and $2,000 in cash… I had other plans that weekend”. In 2022, Mulaney entered rehab with substance abuse relating to alcohol, prescription pills and cocaine.

“Getting to do this show and standing here – listen, I am grateful to everyone at my intervention,” he added in the new Netflix stand-up show, “They intervened, they confronted me, and they totally saved my life”. Continuing, he added, “The past couple of years I’ve done a lot of work on myself…I’ve realised that I’ll be fine as long as I get constant attention”. 

Mulhaney’s latest special, Baby J, is available to watch right now on Netflix.