The Jack Black film soaring on Netflix’s charts
(Credit: VagueontheHow)


The Jack Black film soaring on Netflix's charts

In 2019, before the pandemic started, Jack Black was quoted as saying that he would be quitting acting after Jumanji: The Next Level. While fans were disheartened to know that they would no longer get to see this incredible actor display his creative chops and comedic flair on-screen, they will be excited to know that Netflix has added one of his most popular films, School of Rock to their library at the beginning of September. 

Black’s role in the 2003 film School of Rock goes down in history as one of his best films. It has been featured on the Top ten titles in Netflix for almost a week now. 


If you have never watched School of Rock, you are most definitely living under a rock. Richard Linklater’s film sees an amateur rock lover, Dewey Finn, pose as a substitute teacher with absolutely no qualification to train them for the rock band. 

The film focuses on the freedom and independence that rock ‘n roll can provide a group of awkward kids. For that reason, the film amassed a massive fan following and was supposed to get a sequel back in 2008. However, nothing substantial came out of these plans. 

Balck said, “I tried really hard to get all the pieces together. I wouldn’t want to do it without the original writer and director, and we never all got together and saw eye-to-eye on what the script would be.”

He concluded, “It was not meant to be, unfortunately. But never say never.” However, now that Black has let go of acting, the sequel might never happen. 

Watch the trailer below before checking out the film on Netflix: