Watch figure skater nail Jenna Ortega’s ‘Wednesday’ dance scene
(Credit: Netflix)

Netflix News

Watch figure skater nail Jenna Ortega’s ‘Wednesday’ dance scene

Wednesday has been taking the world by storm since it first aired on Netflix. The viral flashpoint of Tum Burton’s latest kooky creation is undoubtedly the moment that Jenna Ortega offers up a dance craze. 

Now, 16-year-old Kamila Valieva has taken to the ice at the 2023 Russian Figure Skating Championships to offer up a homage to Ortega’s macabre routine. It’s one thing being able to do it on solid land, but it’s another matter altogether doing it on ice. 

Valieva currently holds three world records in figure skating making her Wednesday routine even more of a gamble. I don’t know much about the sport, but I’d say she nailed Ortega’s dance to The Cramps.

The routine earned her a silver medal in the championship. However, it has also since gone viral on TikTok as she wrapped up proceedings with a quick mash-up with Lady Gaga’s ‘Bloody Mary’.

When speaking about her own routine, Ortega said that she had sleepless nights in the run-up to filming the scene even though she suggested it herself. The result has been a fantastic piece of promotion and an iconic scene for the series. 

You can check the ice skating routine below.