eBay removes Jeffrey Dahmer costumes after hit Netflix show
(Credit: Netflix)

Netflix News

eBay removes Jeffrey Dahmer costumes after hit Netflix show

Following the success of the new Netflix series about serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, eBay have announced people won’t be able to buy Dahmer costumes for Halloween.

The costumes violate eBay’s official policy, which states, “Items closely associated with or that benefit violent felons, their acts, or crime scenes within the past 100 years.” Dahmer falls into the “closely associated” category, and the items have been removed to prevent the sales from benefiting the estate of the late serial killer, who died in prison in 1994.


According to TMZ, eBay is taking the issue extremely seriously and have operators “constantly sweeping the site … looking for similar listings that also violate policies.

Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story recently broke history and became the most-viewed show in a four-week period in the streaming platform’s history.

The drama series has been heavily criticised, including from Far Out’s Tom Taylor, who suggested, “There are masses, in fact, the majority of people, who would happily accept that DAHMER and other similar series are damaging but continue to engage in them. This is observed without judgement—it’s not like most of the world’s population have a condemnable perversion. These shows are a way for many of us to unwind and escape the daily grind of modern society. Besides, the cases are well documented and important pieces of public knowledge, delving into them with a cuppa after work hardly recapitulates the crimes.”

The piece continued, “However, this bypasses the gritty issue of empathy that is often disregarded. It is not cast aside callously; it is simply that the crimes are often so heinous and detached from our own lives that they almost seem like an alternate reality.

“However, imagine, if you will, having gone through the unimaginable trauma of losing a loved one, having to endure the horrors of a trial and all the media coverage thereafter, only to attempt to get on with your life and make your reconciliations with society, and then years later have to suffer the retraumatising experience of being reminded of the catastrophe. Imagine seeing your loved one cast in a fictitious depiction of events while Netflix makes millions, and Dahmer’s fame grows.”