‘Army of the Dead’ star Omari Hardwick clarifies ending
(Credit: Netflix)


‘Army of the Dead’ star Omari Hardwick clarifies ending

Omari Hardwick, who recently starred in Zack Snyder’s new zombie heist movie Army of the Dead, has opened up about the movies cliff-hanger ending. 

(Warning: This article will, of course, contain spoilers from herein.)


Towards the final stages of the new Netflix movie Vanderohe, the character portrayed by Hardwick, is in the bathroom of a private plane when he unwittingly discovers that he has actually fallen victim to a zombie bite. 

Whether a ‘zombies on a plane’ spin-off of the infamous Samuel L. Jackson movie is left up to viewers imagination, but as Hardwick explained, “I think where I was at mentally was ‘Wow this is funny, the parody’.” 

He went on to tell Collider, “Of course you see him laughing, because looking at the mirror at himself it’s beautiful that it was set up for me to have to really dissect myself.”

He continued: “‘Mirror mirror on the wall, who is really the most confused of them all?’ At this point, it’s this guy who thought perhaps he had some things figured out. As much as he knew going in, he still has some things left to figure out.

“He’s looking at the end at himself like, ‘Wow, okay, so any of the philosophies that I threw out, do they now work? Do they save me or are they just that?’”

It is unlikely, however, that this will change many people’s opinion on the film as we previously reviewed: “Lightly brushing over the surface of its potential, Zach Snyder’s film is a transparent business proposition in which story points are left purposefully vague in order to elaborate at a more convenient time.”

For those who haven’t yet seen it, you can catch a trailer below.