Ana de Armas stars as Marilyn Monroe in first trailer for Netflix biopic ‘Blonde’
(Credit: Netflix)

Film News

Ana de Armas stars as Marilyn Monroe in first trailer for Netflix biopic 'Blonde'

Netflix has given fans their very first glimpse of Ana de Armas as the Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe in the brand new trailer for the biopic Blonde.

Based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Joyce Carol Oates, the new movie tracks the life of Monroe from childhood to international fame. Supporting Ana de Armas in the NC-17-rated biopic is an impressive cast that includes the likes of Bobby Cannavale, Adrien Brody, Julianne Nicholson, Xavier Samuel and Evan Williams.


Releasing a synopsis for the new film, Netflix have stated, “[The film] boldly reimagines the life of one of Hollywood’s most enduring icons, Marilyn Monroe. From her volatile childhood as Norma Jeane, through her rise to stardom and romantic entanglements, Blonde blurs the lines of fact and fiction to explore the widening split between her public and private selves”. 

Coming from the New Zealand filmmaker behind such classic films as Chopper, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and Killing Them Softly, Andrew Dominik, the new film looks to take the story of Marilyn Monroe to glittering new heights.

In a recent conversation with Netflix Queue, de Armas expressed her excitement about the release of the forthcoming film, stating, “Andrew’s ambitions were very clear from the start — to present a version of Marilyn Monroe’s life through her lens…He wanted the world to experience what it actually felt like to not only be Marilyn, but also Norma Jeane. I found that to be the most daring, unapologetic, and feminist take on her story that I had ever seen”. 

Releasing on Netflix on September 23rd, take a look at the very first trailer for Blonde, below.